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Graduate Work Portfolio

During my time at the Instituto Franklin I created a curriculum design targeted at language and cultural assistants working with students with ADHD, titled,

Students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) in an ESL Classroom: A Language Assistants Guide. 

Developed an International Student Marketing and Recruitment plan for Honolulu Community College.

Course: International Marketing and Recruitment

Conducted research and wrote a literature review titled, Motivating Factors that Influence Students’ Decisions to Study Abroad.

Course: Advanced Topics in Education Abroad

Created an informational video to aid incoming international students in the understanding of the American potluck tradition. 

Course: International Student and Scholar Services

Co-designed a document exploring best practices for helping kids in k-12 education feel empowered to make a difference on global issues titled, Empowering Youth to Make A Difference Through Non-formal Learning Initiatives.

Course: Internationalization K-12

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